Road & Bridge Superintendent
Office Location
Mountain Home, AR 72653
Office hours are Monday thru Thursday 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Contact Information
Phone: | 870-425-3695 |
Fax: | 870-425-2229 |
Email: | roadsuper@baxtercountyar.gov |
Department Information

Road Department Supervisors:
- Foreman: Aaron Watts
- Foreman: Jason Denton
- Maintenance Foreman: Rusty Rosson
- Crusher Foreman: Brandon Justice
Baxter County Road & Bridge Department was established in 1873. Our mission is maintaining and building county roads and bridges. The first priority is maintaining county roads and bridges with the greatest traffic on a regular basis, while less traveled county roads and bridges being maintained on a less regular basis. Furthermore, we assist the Police, Sheriff's Department and Emergency rescue crews in the evacuations during emergencies. Our team at the Road & Bridge Department takes pride in our efforts to serve the taxpayers of this county.
Baxter County Road & Bridge has many duties. They consist of:
1. Build underdeveloped county roads to meet new county standards.2. Resurface and widen existing hardsurfaced county roads.
3. Patch potholes.
4. Grade and maintain primary gravel roads on a regular basis and secondary roads as needed.
5. Haul base, gravel or rock to maintain gravel roads.
6. Snow & ice removal using rock/salt or sand for traction.
7. Tree removal off of county roads after storms.
8. Animal carcass removal from the middle of county roads ( to the side of the roads * NO * pick up ).
9. Repair and maintain shoulders of the county roads.
10. Providing/Maintaining road signs such as street, stop, speed limit warning signs.
11. Cleaning and maintaining culverts and ditches.
12. Mowing of Rights of Way.
13. Cutting trees that are on the ROW which may be a danger to the public.
14. Trimming limbs on and over ROW.
Seasonal Reminders
PLEASE remember to contact your area volunteer fire departments and be aware of all burn bans BEFORE you begin to burn any leaves or brush.
Spring: As spring planting time rolls around, residents are reminded that no trees, shrubbery, or other plantings may be placed within the right-of-way. The road right-of-way is easily measured between twenty & thirty feet ( there are differences depending on when the county road was established however, all of them are between 20 - 30 feet ) from the centerline of the roadway.
Fall: Residents are reminded NOT to burn or dump leaves on the road surface or to dump leaves and other debris in the ditches.
Winter: Wait until the snow plow has plowed your road before plowing/shoveling your driveway. Do not park your vehicles on the roadway. If you are on the roadway and you approach an oncoming snow plow, SLOW DOWN and move as far to the right that is possible and allow the plow to pass safely. We also ask that you do not allow children to ride sleds in the roads or play on mounds of snow created by snow plows until the snow plows have completed their job and left the scene.
Baxter County
Recycling & Hazardous Waste Center
2017 Hwy 5 South, Mountain Home, AR 72653
Open Mondays ONLY - 8:00 a.m. to Noon

- No glass containers.
- Materials MUST be in original containers.
- Must be appropriately labeled.
- Collection limits per year per household:
Oil based paint cans - 5 gallon limit.
Oven cleaners
Drain cleaners
Wood & metal cleaners
Toilet cleaners
Tub, tile, shower cleaners
Bleach (laundry)
Pool cleaners
Ant spray
Cockroach sprays & baits
Flea repellents & shampoos
Bug sprays
Houseplant insecticides
Moth repellents
Mouse & rat poisons & baits
Motor oil
Fuel additives
Carburetor & fuel
Injection cleaners
Air conditioning refridgerants
Starter fluids
Automotive batteries
Transmission & brake fluid
Adhesive & glues
Furniture strippers
Oil & enamel base paint
Stains & finishes
Paint thinners & turpentine
Paint stripper & removers
Photographic chemicals
Fixatives & other solvents
Fungicides & wood preservaties
Flourescent light bulbs & ballasts
Propane tanks & other compressed
gas cylinders, fire extinguishers, kerosene, home heating oil,
diesel fuel, gas/oil mix, lighter fluid